Why Should I Join the Pink Titans Robotics Team?
Learn STEM-Focused Skills for Success Your grandparents (and even parents!) may had worked in careers whose job descriptions stayed the same. Going into the 21st century, a career may likely have jobs that continually change to keep up with demands of a world becoming more connected. In this digital age, innovative ideas are being shared in growing numbers at a rate like never before. Increasingly greater numbers and diversity of people (e.g. more women) enter the workforce to share and apply information.
Learning STEM-focused skills - how to effectively collaborate, communicate, be creative, and critically think - are valuable to helping students succeed at adapting to changing jobs. In this increasingly connected, digital age, specific skills learned at university and college may not be relevant for long in the workplace! FIRST's Gracious Professionalism and Co-opertition:
Article: Why STEM and robotics education - http://www.robots.education/why-stem-and-robotics-education.html |
Find and Pursue Your Passion in STEM
If you enjoy learning your subjects in STEM, there is no better way to appreciate your knowledge and acquired skills than applying them to a real-world situation. The FIRST Robotics program simulates real-world scenarios where individuals with diverse skillsets and experiences collaborate to timely complete a project.
Karthik Kanagasabapathy is an award-winning mentor in the FIRST Robotics program. In his TEDx talk, embedded at right, Karthik discusses subtle secrets of success: 1. be your own person, 2. follow your passion, 3. compete ethically, 4. chase perfection, knowing that you'll find excellence along the way.
Simulation of the Real World
"FIRST Robotics Lets You Play With The Pros." - FIRSTInspires
Experience first-hand what it's like to utilize your learned skills (job-specific and STEM-focused) to help run an organization:
- Learn to and actually operate the same tools, machines, software, and business-related programs utilized in industry
- Make real-life engineering and business decisions
- Interact and co-operate with co-workers of different ages, experiences, backgrounds, and opinions
- Learn to know when and how to lead and follow
- Volunteer to assist others when needed. Learn how to give and receive help.
- Set short-term and long-term goals to achieve. Make and commit to plans. Organize your life schedule.
- Learn to adapt to changing plans, teams, and working environments
- Learn something new every day!
Read the full testimonial by Nithusan Ranjanathan (Captain of 2015 FRC 5719 team) on the impact of the FIRST Robotics program on his career pathway:
Meet New People and Opportunities for Networking
Meet people that you would never meet before joining Robotics, but can help you to learn, improve, grow, and become a better person:
- Team mates: Students of different ages, grades, experiences, backgrounds, cultures, and interests
- Adult mentors: People from industry and the workforce who volunteer time to help students to succeed and find passions
- At tournaments: Students, teachers, mentors of teams from different schools, cities, provinces, even countries!
Scholarships to Universities
FIRST Robotics Canada has thousands of dollars worth of scholarships to Ontario Universities:
FIRST Program has $80 million dollars worth of scholarships from 200 American providers in 2018: https://www.firstinspires.org/scholarships
Opportunities For Expression of Creativity and Enthusiasm
Design, build, and control robot how team sees fit, as long as rules of game are followed!
Showcase theme of team and/or game:
Statistics of Impact of FIRST Robotics Programs
The infographic below is a summary of the impact of the FIRST program from the FIRST Longitudinal Studies (FIRSTinspires.org, Dec. 2017):
The infographic below is a summary of the impact of the FIRST program from nine FIRST STEM Equity Community Innovation Grants in 2017. (FIRSTInspires.org, 2017)