Groundbreaking Foundations
David & Mary Thomson Collegiate Institute. May 30, 2024
On May 30, 2024, the Pink Titans attended a presentation from Kaustabh Shekhar, the founder and president of a geo-infrastructure the company called Groundbreaking Foundations. President Shekhar was also an alumnus of David & Mary Thomson Collegiate Institute (DMTCI), the home base of the Pink Titans. President Shekhar shared with the students his post-secondary journey as an engineering student. He also shared his experiences participating in extra-curriculars at DMTCI. The experiences helped him build his character and develop transferrable skills into the workplace. Groundbreaking Foundations also presented a scholarship to one of the Pink Titans to assist her post-secondary career pathway in engineering. Thanks very much, President Shekhar for your support and time to speak to the students at DMTCI! Thanks Ms. Takas and Mr. Misumi for organizing the talk!