Girls' Robotics with Ellesmere-Statton Public School
November 2, 2018
On Nov. 2, 2018, girls of the Pink Titans mentored girls in Grades 4 to 8 from Ellesmere-Statton Public School on coding with Scratch and building MakerBots. The girls learned to program the robot to move by keyboard control, play music, and following a light with a light sensor. Afterwards, the girls test-drove the robot used in the 2018 FIRST Robotics Competition. Thank you Mlle Mouland and Vice-Principal Feng for the opportunity!
Great day at David and Mary Thompson with Mr. Kim and the @frc5719 as girls from @TDSB_ESPS learned how to build and program a #mBot @TDSB_STEM @TDSB_Robotics @LC3_TDSB
— Mlle Mouland (@MlleMouland) November 2, 2018