Ignite-Explore-Inspire 2.0: Igniting Curiosity & Exploring Innovation Using Robotics & Technology - Learning Cadre David & Mary Thomson Collegiate Institute, October 29, 2018
On Oct. 29, 2018, the Pink Titans presented to educators at the Ignite-Explore-Inspite learning cadre of educators in the Toronto District School Board. Nazifa, Balkiss, and Asma gave their testimonials on how their participation in robotics education helped them to practice Global Competencies of Global Citizenship & Character, Communication, Creativity & Inquiry, Collaboration, and Leadership. Thank you Superintendent Chan and FIRST Administrator Pint for the opportunity!
So amazing what @Edmund_Kim has done with our students any many other students for @TDSB_STEM. All of our robotics teams (and many other students of all genders) are proud to wear the pink hoodies! https://t.co/3nAkjOG5fb